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Hip mobility stretches

Demonstrated in this post are a few of our go-to hip mobility exercises when we are feeling extra stiff!

WHY work on having mobile hips “Tight hips sink ships”⁣⁣ Tight hips really can wreak havoc on your body and corrupt optimal movement. The issue is our lifestyles promote tight/stiff hips and not actually exploring or having to work with our full hip range of motion. We have couches and car seats and work chairs that support us, which eliminates any need to work for owning those positions without support. Our bodies grow accustomed to this convenience and take the path of least resistance, moving more at other places or compensating with movement that can turn into back pain, groin pain, SIJ pain, you name it. Give your body and hips some and give them what they want movement! Motion is lotion, especially for ball and socket joints like the hip!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In this post, you’ll find movements that focus on moving and stretching the hip in every direction and every plane of motion. It doesn’t take much - you could perform 1-2 sets of 10 reps of every movement or just pick you like! The winner here is the one that motivates you to move more and make your hips feel better.⁣⁣