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Neck stretches

Here are 3 Neck Stretches that can be performed anywhere with no equipment needed!

Upper Neck Stretch:
Place one hand on your chin with the opposite hand on the back of your head. Create a passive chin tuck using your hands, bend your head to one side, then rotate your head up towards the ceiling and hold this position. You feel the stretch on the side you are rotating towards. For example here I am rotating to the left, therefore I should feel a stretch the base of my skull/top of the neck on my left side.

Upper Trapezius Stretch:
Keep the hand of the side to be stretched stabilized below. Bring your ear towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing the Left ear to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, side bend away, and rotate towards the side you want to stretch. The upper trap (muscle on the side of your neck) is being stretched. Do NOT the shoulder girdle elevate on the side of the neck that is being stretched.

Levator Scapulae Stretch:
Keep the hand of the side to be stretched stabilized below. Bring your nose towards the opposite armpit (here I am showing my nose going to the Left armpit). This requires you to flex your head forward, side bend away, and rotate away from the side you want to stretch.The levator scapulae (muscle on the back outside of your neck) being stretched.